Stage 8 Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 El término inglés ‘as’ tiene muchos usos. Estos son algunos de los más importantes: • Como conector para indicar dos acciones o eventos que ocurren simultáneamente en el tiempo. En este caso, su significado es similar a while (mientras) o when (cuando). P.ej.

Diferencia entre ‘In Time’ y ‘On Time’ en inglés

Stage 8 Stage 9 Stage 10 Vamos a dedicar un espacio a hablar sobre la diferencia entre estas dos expresiones ‘IN time’ y ‘ON time’ en inglés. Aunque puedan sonar muy similares, lo cierto es que tienen significados bien diferentes; aquí, de nuevo, las preposiciones tienen su peso. Por tanto, es importante que entendamos qué …

Modal Auxiliaries For Probability

Stage 8 Stage 9 Stage 10 Many times when we are trying to say how likely we think something is, we use words like sure, certain, probably and perhaps. But another useful way of saying the exact same thing is to use modal auxiliary verbs, such as may, might and must. There are many different …

Comparatives: Big And Small Differences

Stage 8 Stage 9 Stage 10 As we already know, we use comparatives in English to communicate a difference between two people or things. For example,   Download Exercise   ~ John is older than Steven. ~ Sitges is smaller than Barcelona   The sentences above show a difference but we don’t know how important …

Siete significados de ‘So’ en inglés

In this week´s blog I am going to speak about the word ‘so’. The reason I am going to talk about this small word is because it can be used in many ways. Words like ‘so’ can cause a lot of confusion for English language students because there are such a lot of ways in …

Phrasal verbs with ‘Break’

Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Stage 12   What’s a phrasal verb? It’s a phrase containing a verb and normally either an adverb or a preposition. Today we’ll be looking at phrasal verbs that contain the verb ‘break.’   Download Exercise   The first phrasal verb we will discuss is ‘break down.’ It has …

«Phrasal Verbs with ‘Put’»

Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Phrasal verbs: the two words that are guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of English students everywhere. But phrasal verbs, although they can seem difficult, should cause you no fear, and should be treated just like any other vocabulary word we learn. Let’s break it down first. Download …

The Phrasal Verbs

Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 A modo de referencia, los Phrasal Verbs podrían equivaler a ciertos verbos castellanos que en presencia o ausencia de una preposición cambian radicalmente de significado (estar ≠ estar en ≠ estar con; pasar ≠ pasar de ≠ pasar por; dar ≠ dar a ≠ dar con, etc.). Por ejemplo: …

«Uses of words that change due to location»

Stage 9 Stage 10 Entre los verbos del primer tipo, estarían los de desplazamiento o movimiento: caminar, andar, etc.; mientras que entre los del segundo tipo encontraríamos los direccionales: entrar, venir, etc. Los verbos de dirección se clasifican u ordenan en pares, lo que permite expresar movimientos contrarios: entrar/salir; ir/venir, llevar/traer, subir/bajar…>

«Mixed Conditionals»

Stage 9 Stage 10   Hablaremos en este espacio de tres tipos concretos de modos del condicional, los llamados Conditional Types.   This week, we’ll be taking a look at the idea of Mixed conditionals. The time in which we use the Second and Third conditionals is quite limited. For the Second conditional, we must …