The Past Continuous

Stage 5 Stage 6 En este espacio gramatical daremos consideración a la formación verbal del “Past Continuous”. Como avance, diremos que el “past continuous” se utiliza para describir: – Acciones prolongadas del pasado, pero aún sin saldar en el presente por: inconclusas, inacabadas o interrumpidas. – Acciones ocurridas en un tiempo concreto del pasado. – …

«The different uses of the word ‘even’»

Stage 5 Stage 6 Tanto la polisemia como la homonimia engloban aquellos signos lingüísticos en los que existe un significante con más de un significado. La diferencia fundamental entre ambos fenómenos la establece la etimología de dichos signos, es decir, su origen.

«The Active and Passive Voice»

Stage 5 Stage 6 La voz activa se sustenta sobre los tiempos naturales del verbo, siendo esta la forma común en la que nos expresamos. En la voz activa la acción parte del sujeto: El profesor explicó la gramática con muchos ejemplos. Por el contrario, en la voz pasiva, el sujeto es quien recibe la …

«The Past Perfect»

Stage 5 Stage 6 We are going to take a look at a verb tense, a perfect tense: the Past Perfect. We’ve introduced this tense in class this week, so we thought it would be helpful to go over it again and in greater detail. We use the Past Perfect when there are two actions …

«The Third Conditional»

Stage 5 Stage 6 A destacar de este modo verbal su carácter hipotético, incluso, irreal. Derivado de ello, el condicional expresa cierto sentido de fatalismo, lo que pudo ser y no fue, condicionando la realidad presente a una actuación hipotética situada en el pasado. Este tipo de construcciones son, por tanto, totalmente ilusorias, ya que, …

«Confusing Words: Uses of ‘Get'»

Stage 4 Stage 5 Today I am going to talk about the verb ‘get’ and explain some of its meanings and give you some examples of each, thus making it easier for you to understand. The general meanings of the verb ‘get’ are ‘become’ and ‘obtain’. However, it has several other meanings too. When we …

«The Passive Voice» (Part Two)

Stage 5 Stage 6 For example, if the active voice sentence is “I broke the window” then the passive voice would become “The window was broken by me” and as you can see I changes to me in the passive voice. Other times you might need to change She to Her or He to Him. …

«Thinking of example sentences in English»

Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Today, we as teachers notice that thinking of examples, whether it be in class or for the exam, can be a challenge for almost every student. This presents us with an opportunity to go over the concept of giving examples in general, both in class and in exams. This …

«Easily Confused Words» (Part Two)

Stage 5 Stage 6 Assume and Presume – The difference here is that Assume means to accept something as true before you have proof, whereas to Presume means to suppose that something is true or take something for granted. These are very similar words but are used slightly differently. For Example, – I assumed that …

«The Future Perfect and The Future Simple»

The first thing you should understand about the future perfect and future simple is their structures. To form the future simple we use the word ‘will’ followed by an infinitive without ‘to’. For example «I will go to the party tonight» or «You will have a class tomorrow». This is pretty easy, isn´t it? We …