Food Idioms
Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Stage 12 Stage 13 Food Idioms: Forking Brilliant Idioms can come about from almost anything, and we have quite a few relating to such simple things as items we eat with and from, most of which are very commonly used in the language. Look in your kitchen drawer …

Colloquial English Expressions and phrasal verbs – Part IV
Stage 14 Stage 15 Stage 16 Stage 17 Stage 18 Stage 19 Here are some tables of the items of vocabulary (idioms, phrasal verbs and colloquial language). The vocabulary is everyday language familiar to all English-speaking people and useful to anybody planning to visit an English-speaking country or do business with English-speaking people. The tables …

Colloquial English Expressions and phrasal verbs – Part III
Stage 14 Stage 15 Stage 16 Stage 17 Stage 18 Here are some tables of the items of vocabulary (idioms, phrasal verbs and colloquial language). The vocabulary is everday language familiar to all English-speaking people and useful to anybody planning to visit an English-speaking country or do business with English-speaking people. The tables list all …

The verb ‘make’ in phrasal verbs
Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Stage 12 What’s the difference between a phrasal verb and a prepositional verb? When we use a prepositional verb, we are using the preposition in its normal, literal sense (e.g. ‘I am looking up at the ceiling‘; ‘the dog jumped over the wall’; ‘he put the coffee on the …

Colloquial English Expressions and Phrasal Verbs — Part II
Stage 14 Stage 15 Stage 16 Stage 17 Stage 18 Here are some tables of the items of vocabulary (idioms, phrasal verbs and colloquial language). The vocabulary is everday language familiar to all English-speaking people and useful to anybody planning to visit an English-speaking country or do business with English-speaking people. The tables list all …

No Pun Intended
Stage 13 Stage 14 Stage 15 Everybody loves a good joke. Or even a bad one sometimes. But we all love to laugh at something, even if you are laughing at the joke teller in a mocking way instead of at the joke itself. One of the best kinds of jokes, but often one of …

Colloquial English Expressions and Phrasal Verbs — Part I
Stage 14 Stage 15 Stage 16 Stage 17 Stage 18 Here are some tables of the items of vocabulary (idioms, phrasal verbs and colloquial language). The vocabulary is everday language familiar to all English-speaking people and useful to anybody planning to visit an English-speaking country or do business with English-speaking people. The tables list all …

Idioms lost in space
With all of the interest in space at the moment, it might be a good time to look at some idioms that involve space and interplanetary bodies. English has many sayings that include space, the planets and the heavens in general. Let’s have a look at some of them now. Download Exercise …

«Phrasal Verbs with ‘Put’»
Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Phrasal verbs: the two words that are guaranteed to strike fear into the hearts of English students everywhere. But phrasal verbs, although they can seem difficult, should cause you no fear, and should be treated just like any other vocabulary word we learn. Let’s break it down first. Download …

«How To Do Compositions»
When you are doing a composition you should plan it beforehand and then take your time when writing it. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to rush through it and not pay enough attention to what you are writing. Remember that you are learning a new language and it is quite different …
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- Verbs followed by another verb
- Phrasal verbs and prepositional verbs
- Conditional Sentences
- The present Continuous
- Remember vs Remind
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