Los pronombres indefinidos en inglés

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3   En inglés para hacer referencia a una cantidad indeterminada o indefinida de cosas usamos some y any, es decir, algunos / unas. Any se utiliza en preguntas y frases negativas, y some en frases afirmativas. Por ejemplo, decimos: ~ «Are there any books on the table?», «Yes, there …

Las tradiciones de Pascua en Inglaterra

Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6   Easter is almost here everyone!   Download Exercise   I’m going to take myself on a trip down memory lane and let you discover what growing up was like for a child in the English countryside. I also realize that I now have the urge to learn more …

Los artículos en inglés

Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Esta semana vamos a dar un repaso a una materia básica: el artículo gramatical en inglés, un elemento esencial en la construcción del lenguaje. Los artículos se clasifican en definidos (“the”) e indefinidos (“a”/”an”), pero a diferencia del castellano, en inglés no tienen ni género (masculino/femenino) ni número (singular/plural). …

Phrasal verbs with ‘Break’

Stage 9 Stage 10 Stage 11 Stage 12   What’s a phrasal verb? It’s a phrase containing a verb and normally either an adverb or a preposition. Today we’ll be looking at phrasal verbs that contain the verb ‘break.’   Download Exercise   The first phrasal verb we will discuss is ‘break down.’ It has …


Stage 7 Stage 8 Conjunctions are words that we use to join two clauses together to make longer sentences. There are many words that we use for this purpose. However, the three most common are ‘and’, or ‘and’ but.   Download Exercise   We use the word ‘and’ to link two ideas together. These can …

The Structure Not…either

Stage 7 Stage 8 Remember that the words “also”, “as well” and “too” mean the same thing. The only difference is how we use them in a sentence: “as well” and “too” go at the end, and “also” goes after the first auxiliary verb, or before the main verb. But an important feature of these …

False Friends

Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 This week we are going to look at some false friends between English and Spanish. False friends are what we call words that look very similar but the actual meanings of the words are very different. It is very common to see a word and try to equate it …

«Still and Yet»

Stage 5 Stage 6 Two words that can cause some confusion for English learners are the words ‘still’ and ‘yet’. Here is a basic explanation of when we use each word: Download Exercise   – We use ‘still’ to communicate that something is in progress. It could refer to something that was in progress in …

«Fórmulas de Saludo en Inglés»

El saludo constituye un acto social comunicacional. Como fenómeno transversal multiétnico está presente en la práctica común de todos los pueblos, aunque si bien en la forma difiera de una cultura a otra. En opinión de los etólogos, compartimos pautas de comportamiento con lo simios también en esta área. Para los chimpancés, por ejemplo, el …

«Christmas Idioms»

Stage 7 Stage 8 Stage 9 As we are in Christmas mode at the moment, I thought it would be a great time to look at some Christmas and Christmas inspired idioms that are in common use. Not all of these are only for use around Christmas time, but some of them can be used …