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Hoy, vamos a aprender que forma adopta el verbo que sigue a otro verbo en inglés. Los verbos en inglés que van a continuación de otro verbo pueden ir en infinitivo o en gerundio y os vamos a mostrar qué forma utilizar en cada momento. Si deseáis aprender los verbos y todo sobre el inglés, estaremos encantados y encantadas de enseñároslo en nuestros cursos de inglés.


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In English, sometimes it is necessary to follow a verb immediately with another verb. When this happens, the second verb must take the form of either an Infinitive or a Gerund. Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules which govern this structure.

You must learn the difference for each individual verb on its own. For verbs that we use commonly in English, it is quite easy to remember which form must follow it. But with verbs that are not as common, learning and remembering which form must follow them can be more difficult.

Often it is a matter of trial and error. What I often do is say the sentence I want to say in my head using both forms and then I am able to hear which one sounds more correct to me. Obviously, it is easier for me as I have had many years of practice but for the average language learner it is more difficult.

Hopefully you will be able to have a friend who can correct you if you get it wrong. Let´s have a look at some examples of the way this is used.

Verbs followed by an Infinitive

Some examples of verbs followed by an Infinitive are:

  • agree
  • attempt
  • care
  • decide
  • hurry
  • shoot
  • want
    Let’s have a go at some sentences:

  • It is something I consented to do a long time ago.
  • If you tried to say «It is something I consented doing a long time ago», to me it automatically sounds wrong. I would immediately realise that it needs to be followed by an infinitive.

  • I offered to make the bed for my mother.
  • Again, if I said «I offered making the bed for my mother» it would sound strange to me.

    Verbs followed by a Gerund

    Let´s have a look at some of the verbs followed by a Gerund.

    Some examples of verbs followed by a Gerund are:

  • celebrate
  • allow
  • fancy
  • dislike
  • deny
  • prevent
  • support
    Again, let´s look at some examples:

  • We always dread attending this class.
  • You cannot say «We always dread to attend this class.» It just sounds wrong.

    If you want to know more about verbs followed by another verb, don’t forget you can learn and practise more in our Stages 8, 9 and above Callan Method courses.



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    Alex Edstrom
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