Languages are alive; they change and evolve constantly. Due to the situation we have been living for the past year and a half, the new norm has given us new words that we have never heard before, or that had a different meaning from the one they have taken on today. This has happened in both Spanish and English. Let’s look at some of the neologisms that have appeared recently in the tongue of Shakespeare.


Covid-era Neologisms in English


. Homecation: (home + vacation) A vacation at home..


. Zoomwear: (zoom + wear) The clothes we wear for video calls from home, especially work calls on the application Zoom. Elegant from the waist up, and very casual from the waist down.


. Infodemic: (information + pandemic) A “pandemic” of information received from the news.


. Covexit: (covid + exit) The gradual departure (exit) from the restrictions imposed during the pandemic.


. Quaranteen: (quarantine + teenager) A person who was a teenager during the pandemic.


. Zumping: (zoom + dumping) When your boyfriend or girlfriend dumps you (leaves you) on Zoom because you can’t see each other in person.


. Coronials: Those born or conceived during the pandemic.


. Blursday: (blur + day) any given day of the week, since every day of the seems the same during lockdown.

As we can see, we can sometimes play with words and create new ones by using terms that already exist. But before we can do that, we must first learn and understand the root words used to make these neologisms. Can you guess some neologisms that might be created in the near future?



J. Nicolás
Callan Team

Translate by A. Edstrom

. Soler J. (2020) «Vocabulario imprescindible en inglés en tiempos de Covid-19» Blog — Callan School of English
. «Banco de neologismos». Centro Virtual Cervantes.

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