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Avui analitzarem els verbs ‘remember’ y ‘remind’ i us mostrarem quan i com emprar-los correctament, perquè com ja sabem no és el mateix que ho recordem al fet que ens ho recordin.


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When to use the verbs remember and remind can cause students some confusion, as both verbs can express the idea of bringing something to your mind, or not forgetting something. However, it is important to know that we use each verb in different situations.



If we are able to recall something from memory without help, we use the verb remember. For example, we can say that we remember that the opposite of life is death. Everyone tries hard to remember their friends’ birthdays. Someone could remember how it felt to graduate from university and get their degree.

We can also use the structure “remember + infinitive with ‘to’” in the imperative. We are telling someone not to forget something. For example, we can say:

  • Remember to hand in your homework by the end of the day.
  • Remember to bring your passport with you to the airport.


    If somebody remembers something for us (because we couldn’t ourselves), we use the verb remind. Consider the following example:

  • The teacher reminded me that I was not allowed to use my phone during the lesson.
  • In this sentence, we understand that the student forgot that they were not allowed to use their phone during the lesson. They were using their phone during the lesson, and the teacher told them that they could not; in other words, they remembered the rule for the student.

    We also use Remind to say that somebody or something is similar to somebody or something else, or brings that person or thing to our mind. For example:

  • The city center of Rome reminds me of Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter.
  • You remind me of my father: you both have the same crazy sense of humor!

    Practice what you’ve learned with the exercise – Callan School of English.


    A. Edstrom
    Callan Team


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