We prepare you to pass the Cambridge English exams

If you need a preparation course which guarantees that you will pass the Cambridge English exam, we have a course which will help you prepare for the exam and learn everything you need very quickly. We prepare you to pass with a high mark.

Our accelerated, 100% practice-oriented method will help you develop and improve specific skills, so that you will achieve the results that you want.

Our Cambridge English exam course is right for you if:

  • You want to make the most of your time.
  • You need to make progress quickly.
  • You don´t just want to speak English, you want to think in English too.
  • You need a stimulating and practice-oriented learning method which is tailored to meet your specific needs, and guarantees results.
  • You need a payment plan option and flexible schedules.

Your success is our success. This is why we are committed to helping you achieve real and specific results in the Cambridge English exam and we will be with you until the end.

To achieve this we have developed an accelerated, 100% practice-oriented teaching method, based on assimilating, reviewing, listening, speaking, reading and writing, whose objective is to help you develop and improve all the skills that you need.

Our Cambridge English exam course in Barcelona offers you the following:

  • Specific results: we prepare you to pass.
  • A 100% practice-oriented focus.
  • Accelerated conversational method.
  • Small groups (maximum 10 students).
  • Native teachers.
  • Free Callan Club activities in any of our programs: Seminars, Conversation Clubs, Official Exam Preparation, Practice for job interview and CV preparation, Presentations, Survival Classes in English and much more!

When can I register?

Our next English course to prepare for the Cambridge Exam in Barcelona begins October 4.

The course lasts for a minimum of three months.


1st Quarter Name
04/10/2019 ›› 18/12/2019 Cambridge English Exams
2nd Quarter Name
13/01/2020 ›› 24/03/2020 Cambridge English Exams
3rd Quarter Name
27/03/2019 ›› 20/06/2019 Cambridge English Exams

Monthly: payment in 3 months financed without interest.