Stage 7 Stage 8
Como ya se ha dicho, los Phrasal Verbs bien podrían equivaler a ciertos verbos de nuestra lengua que terminan por establecer una relación especial con determinadas preposiciones, cambiando el sentido de los mismos. Un determinado verbo, unido a diferentes preposiciones, puede expresar significados muy diversos. En este sentido, sirva como ejemplo nuestro verbo estar: “no puedo estar sin ti”, “no puedo estar por ti”, “no puedo estar para ti”, “no puedo estar sobre ti”, “no puedo estar contra ti”…
Somos conscientes de que los Phrasal Verbs constituyen uno de los aspectos gramaticales más difíciles de superar en el aprendizaje del inglés, memorizarlos supone todo un reto. A este respecto, y como sugerencia, Ramón Campayo —plusmarquista mundial especializado en técnicas de memorización rápida—, asegura que la clave para dominar cualquier lengua reside en eliminar la sensación de dificultad, para ello es preciso apelar al “subconsciente mediante asociar imágenes con palabras”.
Con esta última orientación, damos paso al contenido gramatical que se centrará en el Phrasal Verb, To Settle.
There are many uses of the word settle in English and we will have a look at a few of them here today. Some of them have very similar uses, but they are just used a slightly different context which gives them a slightly different meaning. But let’s have a look at a few right now.
To come to rest – This is usually used for a something that has been in flight, such as a bird. A bird will fly and then settle on the branch of a tree or on top of something else similar. For example “The bird settled on the branch at the top of the tree.”
To gather or collect – This usually means that something has fallen and come to rest upon a surface. This is commonly used for things such as snow settling on a mountain top or dust settling after being disturbed. For example – “The snow settled on the top of the mountain.”
To come to an agreement or resolution – You can use this to settle or agree upon a price of something or it can also be used to settle or come to a resolution of an argument. For example – “We finally settled on a price of $100.”
To take up residence or to colonize – When you move from one country to another with the purpose of making it a home and not just for a holiday, you are said to be settling in that country. Also in history when a group of people went to a previously uninhabited area, they were said to have settled that area. For example – “The British settled Australia in 1788.”
To pay a bill – This is primarily used when you are in a restaurant and you want to pay for the food you have ordered. You are said to be settling the bill. For example – “Excuse me waiter. I would like to settle my bill, please.”
To arrange or come to a decision – This means that you have come an agreement on a plan or something similar. You are said to have settled on a plan. Or you can settle the arrangements for something like a wedding or similar. For example – “We settled on a trip to The Alps for our holiday.”
To become calm or composed – This means to return to a state of composure after being either angry or restless in some way. Someone might even tell you that you need to settle down or become calm again. For example – “The crowd was very restless and it took them a long time to settle.”
So as you can see there are a lot of uses for the word settle and we have not even got to all of them yet. There are also a few phrasal verbs that include the word settle that are in common use in English. Good luck decoding all the different meanings.
K. Charles
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- Phrasal verbs and prepositional verbs
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