Monday, 14th of May

Tutorial with Glenn

Glenn will be available to greet students and answer any queries you may have.

14,00 – 15,00 h

20,30 – 21,30 h

Stages 1 Stages 2 Stages 3 Stages 4 Stages 5 Stages 6 Stages 7 Stages 8 Stages 9 Stages 10 Stages 11 Stages 12 Stages 13 Stages 14 Stages 15 Stages 16 Stages 17


Tuesday, 15th of May

Callan Debate: Let’s Talk About Social Media

This is your chance to have your say to Social Media!

14,00 – 15,00 h

Stages 3 Stages 4 Stages 5 Stages 6


PAL: Play and Learn. Taboo

Come, play and learn…Taboo.

16,00 – 17,00 h

Stages 3 Stages 4 Stages 5 Stages 6 Stages 7 Stages 8


Seminar: Direct and Indirect Speech

Come and find out more about ways to relate what another person has said.

17,30 – 19,00 h

Stages 5 Stages 6 Stages 7 Stages 8 Stages 9 Stages 10 Stages 11 Stages 12 Stages 13 Stages 14 Stages 15 Stages 16 Stages 17


Wednesday, 16th of May

Seminar: Speaking on the telephone in English

If you still have problems using your English on the telephone, come to our free seminar to learn how to improve your telephone skills.

17,30 – 19,00 h

Stages 3 Stages 4 Stages 5 Stages 6 Stages 7 Stages 8


Seminar: How to use conditionals

Learn all about sentences with the word ‘if’; how they are formed, when they are used and the differences between them. Practise speaking about certainty, real possibility, present and past suppositions in this illuminating seminar!

20,30 – 22,00 h

Stages 4 Stages 5 Stages 6 Stages 7 Stages 8


Thursday, 17th of May

Seminar: Survival English

English seminar designed to help you get the most out of a short break or stay in an english-speaking country.

14,15 – 15,45 h

Stages 3 Stages 4 Stages 5 Stages 6


Callan Debate: Let’s Talk About Leisure Time

This is your chance to have your say to weekens.

17,30 – 19,00 h

Stages 5 Stages 6 Stages 7 Stages 8 Stages 9 Stages 10 Stages 11 Stages 12 Stages 13 Stages 14 Stages 15 Stages 16 Stages 17
