Prepositions of Place
Recursos Gratuitos de Inglés

Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Uno de los retos cuando se está estudiando inglés es aprender las preposiciones como ya os comentamos en el artículo “The importance of prepositions”. Las preposiciones en inglés constituyen unos de los términos más difíciles de aprender, porque son muchas y algunas de ellas se utilizan de …

Homographs in English

Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 En artículos anteriores os hemos hablado de lo importante que es la pronunciación en inglés y especialmente cuando nos encontramos ante palabras que se escriben igual pero su pronunciación es diferente y su significado también. ¿Sabes de qué palabras te estamos hablando? Efectivamente, nos estamos refiriendo a esas palabras …

Prepositions in English
Free English resources

Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6   This week’s blog is about prepositions. These words are often difficult for students to learn how to use, mainly because the use of a preposition depends on things such as location when speaking, the size of the thing you are speaking about or how you do the action. …

Each other and One another
Free english resources

Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5   John is speaking to Richard. Richard is speaking to John. We can say that John and Richard are speaking to each other. The hotel faces the shoe shop. The shoe shop faces the hotel. Therefore we can say that the hotel and the shoe shop face each other. …

Uses of the Passive Voice
Free english resources

Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7   In general we use the Active Voice in everyday speech. But there are some very common instances when it is useful to use the Passive Voice when speaking. Today we are going to look at four of these uses.   Download Exercise   1. When we don’t know …

The Gerund and the Present Participle in English

Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7   There is a certain suffix that all students of English know, and that is ‘-ing.’ We add this suffix to the end of a verb. Studying, eating, reading, sleeping. However, the same word can be classified in two different ways: as a gerund, or as a present participle. …

Prepositions Related to Time

Stage 5 Stage 6 Stage 7 Prepositions, the great struggle for students of English everywhere! Although there exist some rules related to the use of prepositions, they must be learned, for the most part, by practice and trial and error. One useful way to learn them is by separating them into basic general categories, which …


Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 This week’s blog is on conditional sentences. There are four conditional constructions in English. Their names are the Zero Conditional, the First Conditional, the Second Conditional and the Third Conditional.   Download Exercise   • We use the ‘Zero Conditional‘ to talk about things that are generally true. Its …

Adverbs of Manner

Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6   When we are talking about someone doing an action, it is very easy to focus on the action itself and not on the manner in which it is being done. The addition of an adverb of manner is an excellent way to add description to the sentence and …