Methods Of Payment
- Bank Transfer and sending an email to indicating your name and choice of class timetable together with the receipt of your transfer.
- Account Number: 2100 0863 25 0200550601
- Electronic Format IBAN: ES6221000863250200550601
- Paper Format IBAN: IBAN ES62 2100 0863 2502 0055 0601
- BIC Code ( Business Identifier Code or SWIFT Code): CAIXESBBXXX
- Online Enrollment.
- Cheque made out to: Callan School of English.
- Credit Card.
Level Test
If you haven’t studied with us before or took a course a long time ago, you will need to take a level test to determine your current level of English. This level test:
- Is completely free and carries no obligation.
- Lasts for 20 minutes (spoken and written).
- Before you enroll, you can book an appointment to take a level test by calling: 93 415 54 52 or on our website.
Terms And Conditions – Timetable
- CALLAN SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, S.L. puts at the disposal of students our team of teachers and the educational techniques that we consider most appropriate to the requirements of the course objectives with the the principal aim of ensuring that students receive the best instruction in the relevant field of study.
- A student enrolled on a course understands that he/she will occupy a place during the whole course and is expected to pay the full price of the course, even in the case that, for any reason, he/she is unable to attend, without the right to financial reimbursement or the ability to make any kind of claim.
- Every hour of the course consists of 50 minutes class time and 10 minutes break.
- If you wish to recover a missed class, please contact reception and let them know the best time for you to make it up (provided there is a place available).
- Missed classes of group courses can only be made up during the current course (whether it be within the same week, month or term) and only provided that there are places available. Missed classes will not be transferred to another course once the current one has finished.
- With Callan 30 or Callan 60 courses for the unemployed and reduced-rate courses, the class time is limited to that established at the time of enrollment and the facility to make up missed classes or change the timetable is not included unless the student pays the difference between the discounted and regular course fee.
- The discount on courses for the unemployed cannot be combined with other discounts.
- If students on One-to-One and One-to-Two courses wish to re-schedule a class (i.e. cancel a class and recover it on another day), they may do so only by giving a minimum of 48 hours notice. The cancelled class can only be made up during the current course period. (The maximum number of changes for a 1.5-hour course is 2, and for a 3-hour course is 1.)
- Individual Intensive (Superintensive) Courses can only be booked on consecutive weeks in order to benefit from the discount. Within these courses, the private classes can neither be cancelled nor changed and must always be at the time set.
- The School will only award a course certificate to students who have attended at least 75% of classes, submitted all 4 compositions and passed the level exam by at least 60%.
- Callan School reserves the right not to open a class if it does not reach the minimum number of students (4).
- Callan School reserves the right to use the photos and videos made during the students’ stay. Students should know that they can appear in the promotional material unless the student, once enrolled, explicitly states that they do not wish to appear.
- National, regional and local holidays are not considered part of the academic course and therefore they are not recoverable.
- Exams, exercises and any other material that has been handed in by the students will be destroyed within three months, therefore it will not be possible to modify course marks after this time.
- Enrollment in this course does not mean that you are guaranteed a place in subsequent courses.
- Due to the impossibility of providing suitable space in the centre, it is forbidden to bring bicycles, tricycles, or skateboards of any size (including fold-up ones) into the school, for the safety and comfort of all of our students.
Terms and Conditions – Material
- Educational material included in the courses. In case of loss or theft, the student will be obliged to pay 30 euros for a replacement.
- It is forbidden to copy all or part of any Callan Method material (books, audios, exercises etc.) as protected under copyight law.
Cancellation And Payment
- If a student does not attend the classes once the course has begun, he/she is still obliged to pay the full course fee and it will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- Failure to attend classes does not exempt the student from paying the course fee under any circumstances.
- Once the course is paid for, payments will not be returned under any circumstances.
- The prices shown are per person.
- The School does not accept payment by installment. (Unless it is under the arrangement we have established with Banco Sabadell).
Data Protection
- In compliance with Law 15/99 of 13th of December on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the data you supply us will become part of a file that is held by Callan SCHOOL OF ENGLISH, SL, to plan, administer and manage English training, and to keep you informed about other activities, by means of letters, emails or SMS.
- If you do not wish to receive information about the about the latter activities, indicate this in the MY DATA section in the customer area at or inform us directly.
- Likewise, you hereby consent to the transfer of your personal data to public administrations and / or organizations that may use it for the same purposes.
- You are also informed of the possibility of exercising your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to your data by coming to CALLAN SCHOOL OF ENGLISH S.L., at Avda. Diagonal 472 1ª 08006 Barcelona, and by providing us with proof of your identity.
- By enrolling on a course, you agree to accept and comply by all of the terms and conditions that are contained herein.
- The centre reserves the right of admission.
Free Level Test
Come and see our school and take a free level test
Tel. 934 155 452
Tel. 934 150 387

- Telling The Time
- Verbs followed by another verb
- Phrasal verbs and prepositional verbs
- The contraction of the word “is”
- Conditional Sentences
Resources by levels